Untitled Header Image Cabot Christian Homeschool Co-op Cabot Christian Homeschool Co-op

Welcome to Cabot Christian Homeschool Co-op (CCHC)

Who We Are:
We are a non-profit, free-standing, Christian, homeschool organization dedicated to furthering and enriching the education of our children.  All our classes are taught by...YOU...volunteer homeschool parents.  

What We Do:
We are a volunteer-based group, where homeschool parents volunteer to teach a variety of classes.  A parent or guardian must be at Co-op with their children, volunteering to teach a class, to assist in a class or nursery, or other positions to help us run smoothly! We set the schedule for the year in June & July, and registration begins in early-August. We meet on Mondays in Cabot.  The year is broken up into 4, 6-week blocks.  Each day has three class periods.  You can sign up for as few or as many classes as you would like.    Each year, the classes that are offered change, based on what people volunteer to teach.  PE, Art, and Sciences tend to always be class options, along with lots of other great classes.  We usually start the Monday after Labor Day and have four 6-week blocks that end in early May.  We have a Parent (Family) Night at the end of each semester where our performance classes showcase what they've been working on for the semester, and other classes may present artwork or projects they have completed in those classes. 

The fee structure is as follows:
Annual, non-refundable facility fee: $100 per family
Annual, non-refundable registration fee: $50 for the first child, $5 for each additional child.  
Background check fee: $20 per adult participating at co-op (lasts 3 years)
Class fees: Each class has its own separate class fee based on supplies needed to teach the class.  

**Applications are currently closed as we have a large waitlist.**
If you would like to join, click on the "Join" link above, fill out the form, and a Board Member will contact you. Or email us for more information at CabotCHC@gmail.com.  We have 70 active families at a time. If we are full, you may be placed on a waiting list until a spot becomes available.

We look forward to hearing from you!


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